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EnglishSinging Improves Poststroke...

Singing Improves Poststroke Patients' Language Networks

Based on research at the University of Helsinki, singing can improve language networks in post-stroke patients.

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· 3 minutes read
Rubianti (59) stood holding the wheelchair of her husband, Pardi Subono (60), who was sitting due to a stroke condition at Klandasan Market in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, on Tuesday (25/10/2022).

Rubianti (59) stood holding the wheelchair of her husband, Pardi Subono (60), who was sitting due to a stroke condition at Klandasan Market in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, on Tuesday (25/10/2022).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Stroke is the most common cause of aphasia, a speech disorder that originates in the brain. People with aphasia experience a decreased ability to understand or produce speech. Recent research at the University of Helsinki, Finland, revealed that singing can improve the structure of language networks in poststroke patients.

The report on the research findings has been published in the eNeuro Journal in May 2024. The positive effects of singing on the recovery of post-stroke aphasia patients are supported by structural reorganization of grey matter (GM) and white matter (WM) related to sensory perception and communication networks in the brain.

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