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EnglishNeed Political Commitment to...

Need Political Commitment to Higher Education

The education budget is not yet optimal and efficient. Affordable education is also desired.

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· 6 minutes read
Students of the University of North Sumatra (USU) staged a protest rejecting the increase of the single tuition fee by 30-50 percent at the Office of the USU Rector's Bureau in Medan on Wednesday (8/5/2024).

Students of the University of North Sumatra (USU) staged a protest rejecting the increase of the single tuition fee by 30-50 percent at the Office of the USU Rector's Bureau in Medan on Wednesday (8/5/2024).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Although the government is still focusing on successfully implementing 12-year compulsory education, higher education must also receive serious attention. The government's political commitment must be realized through policies and budget support that ensure universities provide quality, relevant, affordable, and inclusive education services.

The fact that tuition fees at state universities (PTN) are still felt to be heavy, especially for groups of students from low-income and middle-class families, indicates that college is not yet fully affordable for SMA/SMK/MA graduates equivalent every year. In fact, of the approximately 1.1 million recipients of the Smart Indonesia Program (recipients of educational assistance for underprivileged families) at SMA/SMK or equivalent level, only around 18 percent have continued their studies at university. Although there is a guarantee of the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) College scholarship for underprivileged students, its scope is limited, only available to around 200,000 new students per year.

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