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"Kompas" Poll: Public Asks DPR-Government to Involve Civil Society When Revisioning the Constitutional Court Law

The "Kompas" poll shows that the majority of the public wants the revision of the Constitutional Court Law to involve the community.

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· 6 minutes read
Constitutional Court (MK) building on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Saturday (16/3/2024).

Constitutional Court (MK) building on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Saturday (16/3/2024).

The process of the fourth revision of Law Number 24 of 2003 concerning the Constitutional Court by the DPR and the government is unknown to the majority of the public. In fact, the public, at least elements of civil society, should be involved in the discussion of every law as mandated by the MK decision in 2020 that the legislative process should involve meaningful participation from the public.

This non-involvement of the public can be seen from the results of the Kompas R&D poll on 20-22 May 2024. The majority of respondents admitted that they did not follow the information or even did not know anything regarding the revision of the Constitutional Court Law which is still rolling today. Only 18 percent of respondents said they were aware of the revision. Most of them got their information from national television news.

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