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Aligning Temple Restoration with Nature Conservation

Excavations are necessary to uncover cultural heritage structures. However, the preservation of the surrounding nature should not be ignored.

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· 4 minutes read
The restoration of Kotomahligai Temple amidst lush trees in the Muarajambi National Heritage Area (KCBN) in Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi, took place on Tuesday (7/5/2024).

The restoration of Kotomahligai Temple amidst lush trees in the Muarajambi National Heritage Area (KCBN) in Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi, took place on Tuesday (7/5/2024).

Tree roots are spreading into the excavated holes in the restoration of several temple sites in the Muarajambi National Cultural Heritage Site (KCBN). The excavation is done with extra care to not cut off the tree roots. Restoration must be in harmony with nature preservation.

The raindrops did not make Bima Setiawan (24) move from his sitting position, Wednesday (8/5/2024). His left hand is holding the roots of a duku tree that stretches over the excavation excavation at the Menapo Alun-alun site, KCBN Muarajambi. Meanwhile, his right hand is holding a scraper to clean the soil on the layers of the red brick structure located under the duku roots.

"We cannot simply excavate, we have to be extra careful. If the roots are cut off, the supporting tree can die. Apart from excavation, we are also assigned to protect the original trees here," he said.

Menapo Alun-alun is located in Muaro Jambi Village, Maro Sebo District, Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi. This site is part of the Muarajambi Buddhist Cultural Heritage Site. Based on carbon dating of recent findings, the area is estimated to have been established since the 6th century.

Excavations at Menapo Alun-alun are located in Muaro Jambi Village, Maro Sebo District, Muaro Jambi Regency, Wednesday (8/5/2024).

Excavations at Menapo Alun-alun are located in Muaro Jambi Village, Maro Sebo District, Muaro Jambi Regency, Wednesday (8/5/2024).

In contrast to a number of other sites in KCBN Muarajambi which have a main temple, the main structure at Menapo Alun-alun actually resembles a square-shaped fence with a side length of around 54 meters. This site is thought to have been used as a place for burial ceremonies or rituals.

"For the central part, it has not been excavated yet. Red bricks were found in the middle, but the amount is relatively small. We cannot yet confirm whether there is a structure underneath or whether the bricks were moved by humans," said Technical Coordinator of Planning for the Rehabilitation of Menapo-Alun-alun, Faizal.

Faizal mentioned that originally the site was a residential garden. In addition to duku trees, there were also various types of other trees, such as jengkol, chocolate or cocoa, and durian.

Also read: Exploring the Future of Muarajambi

"Excavation indeed needs to be done to reveal the structures that exist underground. However, we are also striving to preserve the ecosystem and trees that grow above it," he said.


We must not just dig carelessly, but be extra careful. If the roots are cut, the tree's foundation can die. In addition to excavation, we are also assigned to protect the local native trees.

Located about 7 kilometers from Menapo Alun-alun, the restoration plan for Sialang Temple in Kemingking Luar Village, Taman Rajo District, still holds a mystery. From the excavation results, four golden-colored metal objects were found, two of which were in the form of three-headed elephant statues, and one was a Buddha statue. Meanwhile, another circular object has not been identified yet.

Archaeologist in charge of the restoration plan of Sialang Temple, Ari Yuda Pratama, said that the four objects were found on the inside side of the outer wall. "The excavation was not deep, only 28 centimeters from the ground. However, overall, we cannot conclude about the utilization of this complex yet. We have to wait until all excavations are finished," he said.

The trees growing in the Sialang Temple complex are not as numerous as in other sites. However, the roots of those trees spread long enough, even crossing over the structures of the temple that have not yet been fully excavated.

Workers are rearranging the structure of the Cetyagraha building in the restoration complex of the Kotomahligai temple in KCBN Muarajambi, located in Danau Lamo Village, Maro Sebo District, Muaro Jambi, Jambi, on Tuesday (7/5/2024).

    Original Article: Presiden telah mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi terkait penangkapan teroris di wilayah perbatasan. Ia menegaskan bahwa pemerintah akan terus berupaya untuk menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban negara, serta memberantas aksi terorisme yang merusak persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa.

    English Translation: The President has issued an official statement regarding the arrest of terrorists in border areas. He emphasized that the government will continue to strive to maintain the security and order of the nation, as well as eradicate terrorism that damages national unity.

Workers are rearranging the structure of the Cetyagraha building in the restoration complex of the Kotomahligai temple in KCBN Muarajambi, located in Danau Lamo Village, Maro Sebo District, Muaro Jambi, Jambi, on Tuesday (7/5/2024). Original Article: Presiden telah mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi terkait penangkapan teroris di wilayah perbatasan. Ia menegaskan bahwa pemerintah akan terus berupaya untuk menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban negara, serta memberantas aksi terorisme yang merusak persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa. English Translation: The President has issued an official statement regarding the arrest of terrorists in border areas. He emphasized that the government will continue to strive to maintain the security and order of the nation, as well as eradicate terrorism that damages national unity.

At Candi Kotomahligai, trees with a height of over 25 meters grow above the temple fence structure. However, these trees are not cut down to uncover the structure underneath.

The Coordinator of the Kotomahligai Temple Restoration, Kurnia Prastowo Adi, stated that the restoration process does not neglect the surrounding ecosystem. There are various types of trees growing there, such as rengas, sialang, sungkai, duku, and kelengkeng.

"There will be some structures that aren't fully excavated to avoid disturbing the trees growing on top of them. However, the main structures of the temple have already been revealed," he said.

Also read: Preserving Traditions on the Bank of the Batanghari River

Agus Widiatmoko, Head of the Jambi Region V Cultural Preservation Center.

Agus Widiatmoko, Head of the Jambi Region V Cultural Preservation Center.

The Head of the Cultural Preservation Office (BPK) for Region V in Jambi, Agus Widiatmoko, stated that they emphasize to workers not to arbitrarily cut down trees. Besides protecting the ecology, some types of trees are also related to the local community's culture.

Sour tamarind, kepayang fruit, and kluwak are, for example, traditional food ingredients for the community around KCBN Muarajambi. Meanwhile, pandan plants and bamboo are materials for local handicrafts products that can be sold to support the residents' economy.

"The revitalization of temples must still pay attention to the survival of the plants around them. Residents can benefit from those trees. Therefore, preserving cultural heritage is in line with preserving nature," he said.

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