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General Andika’s Nomination Believed to go Smoothly at DPR

the DPR would immediately respond to the President's letter regarding General Andika’s nomination to become the TNI commander by holding a confirmation hearing on 4 to 5 Nov.

· 3 minutes read

Army Chief of Staff General Andika Perkasa

JAKARTA, KOMPAS - President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has formally submitted a letter to the House of Representatives (DPR) on the nomination of Army Chief of Staff General Andika Perkasa to become the next commander of the Indonesian Military (TNI) to replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, who will retire soon. Factions of political parties at the DPR mostly welcomed Andika's nomination, giving him a smooth path in the confirmation hearing at the DPR.

The President's letter regarding the nomination of General Andika to become the TNI commander was formally submitted by State Secretary Pratikno to House Speaker Puan Maharani in Jakarta on Wednesday (11/3/2021). The nomination also stopped public speculation in recent months about Hadi's successor as TNI commander.

Syahnan Rangkuti
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